Month: December 2023

Distributed in the UK by rNaturemachine Ltd

Can I sell rNature compost to my customers?

Can I sell the compost to my customers? Yes, as long as there is no raw white or red meat in the food waste you’ve composted, then you are allowed to share it with your customers. This is because use of the rN composting machine has the Environment Agency T23 Exemption due to the aerobic…
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Is the compost safe to use?

Yes. Due to the aerobic process of the rNature Machines, it has the Environment Agency T23 Exemption.  The compost has U10 and U11 Exemption. U10 allows waste to be spread on agricultural land to improve or maintain the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil to grow crops. U11 allows the spreading of compost…
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What’s the difference between anaerobic and aerobic composting?

Aerobic composting is most common in nature. The aerobic microorganisms break down organic matter and produce carbon dioxide (CO2), ammonia, water, heat, and humus (this is the end product, compost). The natural heat generated in the process accelerates the breakdown of the proteins, fats, and complex carbohydrates such as cellulose and hemicellulose. Hence, processing time…
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