Category: News

Distributed in the UK by rNaturemachine Ltd

BBC Spotlight HWiL composting machines

BBC Spotlight coverage on rNature Composting Machine in South Devon

An exciting feature on BBC Spotlight, 14.02.2022 on the HWiL composting machine currently being used at a farm and cafe in South Devon. Food waste is a increasing issue with landfill and costs, HWiL is changing that with our rNature composting machines to recycle food waste and give back to the land.

rN250 trial composting machine

rN250 Trials underway and proving to be a great success

The rN250 composting machine trials are proving to a great success with the first one complete. The trial machine is on its way to its 2nd trial location up in the Scottish borders. The trial machine will then be moving onto its next requested trial locations in the Midlands and Wales, where it will be…
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rN500 Composting Machine

rN250 Trial Machine has arrived in the UK!

Horse Weigh International Limited are excited to announce the arrivial of the trial rN250 model into the UK. The trial model is available to interested clients for 2-3 week trial periods, so they can see the huge benefits of these machines first hand. For all trial enquiries please contact William Bedell on 07774 783247 or…
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Contributing to saving the Environment with the NEW RN Composting Machines!

Reduce your companies Carbon Footprint……. The World’s Best Composting Machines are arriving on the 5th August 2020 into the UK, Ireland and Europe. Turn up to 90% of organic waste into useable compost. The highly advanced rN machines can consume all types of ‘Organic Waste’ HWIL saves many clients money by reducing waste at source…
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organic compost

Two Years VS 20 Hours – Organic Composting

The compost stores are now empty, and the compost is spread on the vegetable beds and in the green house.The lawn cuttings took 2 years to complete their breakdown process to organic compost; our rN machines take just 20 hours to complete the same process.Producing organic compost that looks just like the compost in these…
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Tackling Food Waste

Postive Thinking – Tackling Food Waste

Horse Weigh International understands the real urgency in tackling food waste…..